Adama Discourses
. . . walking the light path with intention & purpose
by Ashalyn & Adama the Telosian
The Inner Earth city of Telos exists beneath Mount Shasta in Northern California. Let Adama Discourses take you on empowering exploratory journeys into the world of spirit and all possibility to learn more about yourself and the world. Adama, who lives in Telos, teaches you to use your intuitive skills, connect with your intuitive self and other spirits, and find the truth within. The guided meditations take you into the oneness of all things and to visit Telosian temples, etc. Raise your vibrational frequency, heal yourself and expand your conscious awareness. He also shares his experiences in previous lifetimes to expand your view of reality.

Adama Discourses, Ashalyn’s 2nd channeled book – June 2015
Adama Discourses talks about the rise and fall of the continent of Lemuria, Adama’s previous home. And how the Lemurians came to live in the city of Telos. The Telosians, adhere to peaceful, joyful, loving interactions in all they do and want to share their ideas about that with you. As love returns, peace ensues and people become peace-loving, creative individuals who respect and honor Earth and all sentient beings.
Adama Discourses encourages you to commune with beings from other planets, realign your crystalline matrix, learn to discern who’s on the light path and who’s not, and much more. There are points of interest for beginning and advanced spiritual seekers of truth and expanded awareness. Your actions affect your future, so be conscious creators and do what you want to create more of. Ask spirit to help you. Remember, you are “one with all things” so be kind, help those in need, and work together to bring peaceful relations back on Earth.
To preview Chapter 6: Creator’s View of the World click here.
To purchase Adama Discourses click here.
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400 Chestnut St., Mt. Shasta, CA 96067
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